I'm a writer among other things but mostly I'm here for the community. There isnt much to tell about me so ill see you on the forums if you need anything else PM me.

Age 36, Female

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New York

Joined on 8/20/12

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An Interview With Wegra

with Maltos Delight

Maltos - You post regularly on the BBS With (as of now) 13.1 posts , What in spires your threads?

Wegra - Inspiration kinda comes when I least expect it. Sometimes if I so much as get a thought be it interesting or mundane in my mind I could potentially post it here and keep up my thread quota. Its really all about experience really and going out. That's usually the best way to make a thread. I feel like I have people expecting me to make threads on a regular basis and I always try to deliver. Haha some people even say I don't post enough. I even considered asking Tom to up the daily thread count to 5 from 4.


Maltos - What Does Wegra Mean?

Wegra - My friend made it up. Based on a grocery store


Maltos - Are You Still A Fan Of Mega Man? If so what draws you to that character?

Wegra - Well yeah I still play the Legacy Collections on all my consoles for Achievements and Trophies. I think its the music, the art style and character designs.


Maltos - The Wegra Account Is currently level 59, how does it feel holding such an epic title and are you excited to reach level 60?

Wegra - I never thought I'd be reaching that day. I remember still being in High school wondering where the hell I'm going to be in the future when that happens


Maltos - As a forum regular myself I see the public opinion of the persona you've created but what is your opinion of your fellow BBS posters?

Wegra - I don't know where Newgrounds would be without them. They truly bring the place alive.


Maltos - Are their any users you like or dislike?

Wegra - Of course! As for specifics well you can usually tell who I do and who I don't


Maltos - If ever you were asked to be a MOD would you accept?

Wegra - Maybe. But I imagine I wouldn't really do much with it unless someone REALLY REALLY pisses me off. Then I'll bring down the hammer.


Maltos - What do you do in your free time away from NG?

Wegra - Catch up on gaming. Check out all the restaurants around the area while gaming at the same time on portable consoles, and Steam. Working, getting my hair done and catching up with the local friends and all that


Maltos - You use your true face as your PFP, most users do not, what prompted this choice?

Wegra - I think it's sometimes good to let people know that you're an actual person on the other end. For better or worse that's what I like about Social media because (Usually) I know what the person behind the screen looks like rather than a total stranger. Although in the past I did used to use pfps of characters or other random crap. But I want to be cool about having my real face up.


Maltos - If You Could Say Anything To @TomFulp, what would it be?

Wegra - Thank you so much for giving me so many wonderful years of memories and more to come. This place really means a lot to me and I hope this place lasts till the end of time. I don't know what Newgrounds will do without you


Maltos - Who would you like to see interviewed next?

Wegra - Did Drunkgecko get one of these yet? Seven Seize? Funk BRS?


This has been an interview with Wegra

I hope you enjoyed

See you next time!


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