This is an Interview with @SleepyAss54
Maltos - Lets start back in 6/24/21 when you first join how did you find NG and what keeps you here 2.9K posts later.
SleepyAss54 - I found Newgrounds back when I started to watch some of the Artists like Oney and Egoraptor being let’s players
Then I Started to do more research into the creators history and started to enjoy the content of other creators
Then I found out it’s a good site for 18+ content which fed into my degeneracy
Then I decided to make an Account After I was a Drawing “art” on 4chan
Maltos - Tell us about your username and why you chose it.
SleepyAss54 - I got my Username from A 4chan G/fur thread, which is just a Gay Furry Porn Thread, It originated from me not falling asleep and complaining about it. Then I got SleepyAss after I learned Sleepy can be an Insult for if somethings Ugly
The 54 comes from my Love of Godzilla and Tokusatsu in general. With Gojira being one of the first Films in the Medium and releasing in 1954, I would have gone for the Release date of Destroy All monsters which was in 1969 but I thought that would have been more tacky than just going with 54
Maltos - You've submitted 8 pieces of artwork, what inspires or motivates your art work?
SleepyAss54 - Horni
Horni and my desire to make Cartoons and Comics. Before I was SleepyAss I was just going to post my ideas for TV shows n shit but That was going to be under a different moniker.
Maltos - You are a regular in the BBS how do you think you present yourself to your fellow Newgounders?
SleepyAss54 - Like an Degenerate Furfag Asshole who’s probably Retarded
Maltos - Are there any users you like or dislike?
SleepyAss54 - @Mist and @ngman7
I haven’t met people that Retarded, even on 4chan
Maltos - What do you think about the MODs in the BBS?
SleepyAss54 - The Jannies are aight. I don’t think any of them are bad guys. They’re doing their job.
Unlike the /b/ Jannies
Maltos - Here are you stats, how do you feel when you see this?
Exp Points:
336 / 400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
4.68 votes
SleepyAss54 - Hell if I know those are just there for me to see them
Maltos - What effect has Newgrounds had on you?
SleepyAss54 - It’s made me both Happy and Depressed
Maltos - Who are you when you're away from Newgrounds?
SleepyAss54 - Some Sissy Faggot Hippy Teen who sits around in their room all day eating nothing and Playing with their Kitties
Maltos - If you could say anything to @Tomfulp what would it be?
SleepyAss54 - “Watch out for his back hand, It’s a Killer!”
Maltos - What can we expect from you in the future?
SleepyAss54 - More Autistic Ramblings
Who would you like to see interviewed next?
SleepyAss54 - @ngman7
This has been an interview with SleepyAss54
Until Next Time