I'm a writer among other things but mostly I'm here for the community. There isnt much to tell about me so ill see you on the forums if you need anything else PM me.

Age 36, Female

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New York

Joined on 8/20/12

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Maltos's News

Posted by Maltos - June 30th, 2021

Good Day, My Name Is Maltos Delight And This Is An Interview With @VampireKisses17

Maltos - Lets start with how you found NG when you joined in 2/16/2021
What Keeps You Here?

VampireKisses17 - I've first joined Newgrounds on January 2021, and I've discovered Newgrounds when I was 6 in the year 2011. I've discovered my childhood flash games and saw so many art that inspired me.


Maltos - What effect has the NG community had on you?

VampireKisses17 - I've begun to start making new friends, and the community here is pretty chill.


Maltos - You Are Very Active on The BBS Are Their Any Users You Like Or Dislike?

VampireKisses17 - I don't dislike any users, but I do like @JimmyBiscuit @weirdcore @DrunkGecko @UggoSonno @Garnet-Frost @HztaOra and @Purbell


Maltos - What Does Your User Name Mean And Why Did You Choose it?

VampireKisses17 - It means I've kissed 17 vampires, and I'm such a big fan of vampires, but not in a Twilight kind of way.


Maltos - Would You Ever Want To Be A MOD?

VampireKisses17 - I'll think about it someday, but it will take a lot of work to get done.


Maltos - Who In Your Real Life Would You Say Has Impacted You Most?

VampireKisses17 - My childhood friends from elementary. I don't know where they are now, but I hope to see them someday. I don't know if they are still alive or may have moved away to another state.


Maltos - Who are you when you're away from Newgrounds?

VampireKisses17 - I'm just a shy introverted girl, who somehow became a mix of a scene and emo kid. I like to draw cute and dark things and listen to 2000s alternative music, especially on Spotify. I also write and read fanfics for fun just incase I get bored.


Maltos - Have you ever been in love?

VampireKisses17 - Yes, and deeply have a fictional crush on Starscream and Megatron/Galvatron. And also Arcee too. But in real life, I'll soon to find a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner later.


Maltos - Do you have any secrets you would like to share?

VampireKisses17 I am secretly into robots and monsters.


Maltos - If you could say anything to @TomFulp what would it be?

VampireKisses17 - I could tell him to autograph my vinyl record collection.


Maltos - What can we expect from you in the future?

VampireKisses17 - In the future, I might be an artist and make animations.


Maltos - Who would you want to see interviewed next?

VampireKisses17 - @Purbell


This has been an interview with VampireKisses17

Thank You For Reading

Till Next Time


Posted by Maltos - June 24th, 2021

Good Day!

My name is Maltos Delight And This Is An Interview With Pudgie248

Maltos - Lets start with how you found NG when you joined in 2/16/2021

What Keeps You Here?

Pudgie248 - The main thing that keeps me here is the people and the games I like joking around and having fun with people


Maltos - What effect has the NG community had on you?

Pudgie248 - I think that would probably be my humor


Maltos - You Are Very Active on The BBS Are Their Any Users You Like Or Dislike?

Pudgie248 - I don't really hate anyone on there tbh most of the people are pretty laid back at least in my experience


Maltos - What Does Your User Name Mean And Why Did You Choose it?

Pudgie248 - Well I thought that pudgie sounded cute and then I put 2468 but took out the 6


Maltos - If you were a forum MOD what kind of mod would you be?

Pudgie248 - If I was a mod I would probably be the one that's calm most of the time until someone says something outright offensive or just an overall dick.


Maltos - Would You Ever Want To Be A MOD?

Pudgie248 - I wouldn't want to be a mod personally because it feels like too much of a responsibility for me to handle I can shut down too easily when overwhelmed.


Maltos - Who In Your Real Life Would You Say Has Impacted You Most?

Pudgie248 - The person who has impacted me the most would probably be my mom or my friends but mostly my friends.


Maltos - Who are you when you're away from Newgrounds?

Pudgie248 - I'm usually a little bit cranky if I'm getting stressed or I'm just sleeping but overall I don't think very much before I speak which sometimes can make me come off to people as a jerk.


Maltos - Have you ever been in love?

Pudgie248 - Yeah, I used to like this boy back in 4th grade to 5th, and when I moved I realized that he was such a douche and I felt a lot better being away from him.


Maltos - Do you have any secrets you would like to share?

Pudgie248 - One secret I haven't told anybody would probably be I took apart one of my family member's electronics because I was obsessed with circuits and motherboards and I have so many motherboards it's ridiculous. I have a bit of an addiction to it.


Maltos - If you could say anything to @TomFulp what would it be?

Pudgie248 - I would probably say, "Hey you're that guy who made Newgrounds"


Maltos - What can we expect from you in the future?

Pudgie248 - I think I will have a wife and maybe kids a nice house and a nice school they can go to. I've always wanted a family


Maltos - Who would you want to see interviewed next?

Pudgie248 - Probably @Tritnew if they haven't been interviewed yet.


This has been an interview with Pudgie248

Thank you for reading

if you want to get to know Pudgie248 PM her

or send a friend request

Till Next Time


Posted by Maltos - June 18th, 2021

An Interview With DrunkGecko

Maltos - What Brings You To Newgrounds And What Keeps You Here?

DrunkGecko - I first came to Newgrounds on my old account called StaticSkull. I don't remember how I discovered Newgrounds, I loved making cartoons. Unfortunately, I was a 15 year old at the time I joined. And much like most other 15 year olds, I was a troublesome cunt. I got my account locked because I had a habit of stealing art and audio and calling it mine. I came back on this account using a VPN in 2018, and I laid low. On Twitter, HenryEYES and NinjaMuffin99 messaged me because they wanted to interview me for a podcast. When they did that, I didnt really have any interest in coming back, but I accepted and it was one of my best decisions ever. I don't remember much after that, because I was busy dealing with a lot of abuse. But I guess the BBS won me over.


Maltos - Who Are You When You’re Away From Newgrounds?

DrunkGecko - I'd say I'm more quiet around people I don't know. I don't change my humor at all around my family though. I love to purposely say the most disgusting things to everyone I live with, including my mother, because I think it's funny. My only social interaction outside of family is at my job. I don't go anywhere, because I don't like talking to people. I'm probably a lot more nihilistic than I portray here.


Maltos - You Once Stated In A Post That You Once Had A Holographic Charizard What Happened To It?

DrunkGecko - Not much of a story, but I just misplaced it as a kid, because I never took care of anything I had. Same reason that all my video game disks were scratched.


Maltos - You Are Very Active on The BBS Are Their Any Users You Like Or Dislike?

DrunkGecko - I love @JimmyBiscuit @Deity-Donkus @UggoSonno @Wegra @Seth and so much more. I cant keep track, because the BBS is a wonderful community. I'm not gonna state who I dislike, because a lot of drama has happened about it and it's pretty common knowledge anyway.


Maltos - What Do You Think About Newgrounds?

DrunkGecko - I genuinely believe it is the best website ever.


Maltos - What Gets You Through The Day?

DrunkGecko - Music. I have always stood by the fact that making and listening to music is my only reason to live.


Maltos - Who Are Your Idols? Who Inspires You?

DrunkGecko - Jonathan Davis from Korn. I feel if he can get through all that he has been forced to deal with, then so can I. Also, Korn was the band that introduced me to the world of metal music.


Maltos - Who In Your Real Life Would You Say Has Impacted You Most?

DrunkGecko - My adoptive mother, but not in a good way. I won't go into detail, but she adopted me when I 7 and abused me all the way until I was 18. Most people would probably wish that didn't happen, but I learned from it. Besides, I wouldn't be who I am today without going through so much shit.


Maltos _ Would You Ever Want To Be A MOD?

DrunkGecko - Absolutely not. I'm way too much of an asshole.


Maltos - If So What Kind Of MOD Would You Be?

DrunkGecko - An asshole.


Maltos - Who Would You Recommend Be Interviewed Next?

DrunkGecko - uh... @Wegra



Posted by Maltos - June 15th, 2021

Hello Friends!

This is an interview with the one

The Only JimmyBiscuit

If you've even been a Lurker on the BBS

you know about this user

But what do you know beyond the user?

Today we find out . . .

Maltos - What Brings You To Newgrounds And What Keeps You Here?

JimmyBiscuitWhat brought me here was fnf, of course I have used newgrounds way before fnf but it never really peaked my interest until now.

My friends, the bbs, the people, the art, pretty much everything here makes me want to stay, this place is wonderful and i don't want to leave anytime soon.


Maltos - Who are you when you're away from Newgrounds?

JimmyBiscuit - Almost everyone is a different person when they are offline, pretty much human nature really. I'm kinda shy in real life, i'm scared to interact with people for some reason, but when I'm with my real life friends I'm pretty much the same.


Maltos - You've provided tons of artwork and 2 movie submissions what is the inspiration for your creativity?

JimmyBiscuit - For my artwork, I really don't know, it varies, i could've been inspired by music, something I read, or just abrupt creativity.

Recently my creativity has been gone and I don't know what to draw anymore, I just get this feeling of sadness when I just cant seem to draw anything and that just drains my mood for the day.

You didn't mention my music! yeah I don't have any musical inspirations really, i just open up the program and try to make something that might sound good.

For my movies, I made those when I was feeling extreme emotion, so I put that emotion into my work, well tried to at least, they're not the best things I made because I used adobe flash and my mouse back then.


Maltos - You are very active on the BBS are there any Users you like or dislike?

Jimmybiscuit - I like most of the people there but my favorites are @DrunkGecko (because he is my boyfriend :3), @TheChoppa@Purbell, and @DrClump, these are the greatest friends I have here.

I do hate 2 people, but I'm not going to say their names because I don't want to start drama again.


Maltos - What is your opinion on today's current events? What gets you through any given day?

JimmyBiscuit - I never really pay attention to current events, idk what happened and I don't care.

Newgrounds is what gets me through the day lol, I love spending time on here with my friends and my boyfriend, i don't know why I didn't join earlier.


Maltos - Who are your Idols? Who inspires you?

JimmyBiscuit - I don't even know really, I've never looked up to somebody before so I guess I don't have an idol.

People really don't inspire me that much, unless it's my boyfriend who I love very much and he has inspired me to make a song.


Maltos - Who in your real life would you say molded you most?

JimmyBiscuit - I don't know, my childhood is hazy and I can barely remember anything from back then, I barely even remember my father and mother.


Maltos - Would you ever want to be a MOD?

JimmyBiscuit - Nooo, nononono, I'm way too emotional, and it's too much hard work.


Maltos - If you could have any super power, what would it be?

JimmyBiscuit - Shapeshifting.


Maltos - Who would you recommend be interviewed next?

JimmyBiscuit - @DrunkGecko :3


There You Have It

You now Know More About JimmyBiscuit

Then You Did Before


Posted by Maltos - June 13th, 2021

I am William Wallace

and i see a whole army of my country men here

in defiance of tyranny

you've come to fight as free men

and free men you are

what will you do without freedom? Will you fight?

Aye, fight and you may die.. run and you'll live

at least a while, and dying in your bed many years from now

would you be willing

to trade all the days to this day to to that

for one chance

just one chance to come back here

and tell our enemies

that they may take our lives

but they will never take our freedom


Posted by Maltos - June 12th, 2021

Hello everyone! lets be friends... No really I mean it. Newgrounds is forever and as long as NG exists so shall our friendship. I get that NG is about shit posting to a certain degree but we gotta calm it down a little lol


Posted by Maltos - March 4th, 2021

The return to Newgrounds has come again.


Posted by Maltos - January 18th, 2020

So life is life and change is change right?

But what about our minds? Have they changed?

Is it that our point of view is based only on what we don’t know?

If we knew the things we didn’t know, would anything change?

Posted by Maltos - June 15th, 2015

      This is an interview with Asandir and here I've asked the question who is Asandir? Here I've tried to know the person behind the user.



Lets start with how you found NG when you joined 12/23/10


"Back in 2010, I liked to play Toss The Turtle sometimes. As people who played it know, process with all the upgrades and stuff is quite slow and I always wanted to keep the medals from it so I considered signing up. I didn't have any account whatsoever anywhere beforehand so it was quite the big deal, or rather a novelty for me. It actually took me a while before I posted, I was more or less unaware of the forums at first. Mind you that my english was even worse than it is nowadays so no big loss here. "

What effect has the NG community had on you?


"In a Newgrounds context a rather big one. In one way or another all that I stand for as user origins back to influence and or help by other users. Only gonna summarize it kind of shortly here since I see the other questions on my screen and I don't wanna make you sit through my weird sentences twice. Back when I became active on the forums, Gimmick was one of users that just came back to the site and we pretty much became Newgrounds buddies, often quoting eachother in posts and such. Suprememessage inspired the whole interview thingy, I recently had a good conversation with him that uplifted my spirits. The next one is this funny guy named Jolly, who helped me becoming a part of the Elite Guard Barracks, which spiraled into icon and then portal modship. Another user I consider a friend is NekoMika, always giving me advice and just a wonderful person. Was and still is one of the users that I looked up to and thought "I kinda want to be like this user for Newgrounds". I could name many more but I don't want to make this too sentimental. However, everyone who I interviewed is a person I want to thank, it was an honor to learn more about you as a user and a person. That's the biggest thing and it*s easy to forget this; you actually interact with real people behind the fancy usernames, keep that in mind as both a realisation and also an opportunity."

You've done many great interviews can you tell my readers what inspired you to do interviews?


"Yeah, that's no problem. What basically happened is that back then, there was a thread about interviews with celebrities or something along those lines and the OP asked what the most interesting interview was that we read. Suprememessage replied in a joking manner that the most interesting interview doesn't exist, since he hadn't been interviewed yet. I quoted him and jokingly offered to interview him and he actually liked that idea a lot so we went through with it. I then interviewed some more users and with the huge, huge help of The-Great-One polished them up from a layout and release schedule standpoint. And then, boom 3 years pass and we have over 150 interviews. Time passes quickly sometimes."

Do you have any secrets?



Why did you choose the name Asandir?


"Thinking of a username was the most difficult thing and I think it legitimately delayed my "arrival" by one or two days. I read the The Curse of the Mistwraith book series recently, and two names from there stood out to me. The one I wanted originally, Arithon has the meaning "destiny changer" and more importantly sounds pretty cool in my opinion. However, that one was taken. So original as I am, I just took another name from the series, "Asandir". That one means heart of stone and you see that incorporated in my profile picture. I am still very happy with my username, and a bit proud that I managed to avoid numbers in my username right off the bat."

Do you have any users that you favor or any that you don't care for?


"Well that's a bucket of syrrup right here, isn't it. We all know me for my polarizing opionions, so prepare for this pipebomb in text from:

"I love all of you, some differently but hugs are definitely an option".

To maybe add more to it, anyone who I had good talks with in the forums or over pm and anyone who makes posts that I enjoy, thank you for being awesome. Also shoutout to Exedor and Jolly for being great portal mods. The other mods are cool too, but I have not a lot of insight there. However whoever is moderating the forums, thanks for sacrificing the absence of grey hairs early in your life to make the forums, one of my favourite places, better."

Do you support gay rights?


"Absolutely. It's good see homesexuality getting more and more widely getting accepted, especially from a law standpoint. In Germany it is pretty much the case that homesexual parships get equal benefits as other couples and that is great. I know that in the US the situation is atleast in some states very difficult and I hope that we reach the same standarts there quickly. To me, if you love a man or a woman is not important, aslong as it is genuine and you can be yourself. I know people that had to hide their homosexuality for a long time from their families, and let me just say that I am very proud of you for staying strong."

At 2 hours ago, Maltos wrote:What would you say to a person that says "there is no such thing as reverse racism.

"You are mistaken, dear sir (or lady). I have not a lot of insight on this matter, but you can ensured that somewhere, someone hates you for how you act, look or for any other reason. I don't want to sound too pessimistic but it's not completely possible to take those prejudices out of human nature. I wish everyone who experiences any kind of racism, gets help from other people and or from the law to protect them."


What do you like most about NG?


To me, Newgrounds just seems more alive (incoming "Newgrounds is dead" jokes incoming) than other sites. There are some reasons for that first of all, the admins, like Tom Fulp interact with the community daily. That gives the staff, literally faces. I know that Newgrounds is on a much smaller scope in comparison nowadays but with sites like Reddit or Youtube you don't have this small community, maybe even family feeling. I also find it a lot easier to interact with artists, animators that I like. Likewise the wholeCollabinator aspect just gives an opportunity for great team projects. I love all the original music, animations and games that people make in their free time and I saw and heard stuff that really inspired me on an emotional level. And that is what I love the most, Newgrounds is a place with passion and that's what keeps this great place alive."

Is there one moment in your life you wish you could change?


"That's a tough one. It's not something that I regret even in a retrospective view but back in 2011 my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He told me and my mother that the doctors told him that he had reasonable chances to live for 5 years or more. Little did we know that they told him that he was, well basically beyond saving and that the cancer actually spread though his whole body. We were angry at him for refusing to smoke atleast less, he even got more cigarettes from our neighbours. My father unfortunately passed away in the same year in November. If I knew how ill he truly was I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to convince him to smoke less. It's not something that haunts me too much, I just wish we knew how bad his health was ealier so that we could have tried to make his last months as great as possible. We did that but when you have to give someone up to cancer (I lost my grandmother just 4 years earlier due to breast cancer", you just feel like you didn't do enough. One thing that I realised though is that those very last steps; everyone goes them alone. I am not sure if someone leads you to your next stop but I hope that all the pain that you endured in your last moments here, is lifted from you, so that you can be free and fly."


Are there any MODS or STAFF members you like or dislike?


"Well. I have been on a pretty long hiatus from the forums, so I am not sure but forum mods that I like are ZJ, BackFromPurgatory, Dean, Murray and TurkeyOnStick among others. As far as staff members go, I like them for their work and being transparent. Truth be told I never interacted much with them and I think that they are at most merely aware that I am a user, so I am not gonna say that the are good buddies. I gotta say though that I like that BrenTheMan is super active and interacts with the forum members quite a lot. If you could interview him, that would be awesome to see."

What is your opinion on legalizing marijuana for recreational us?


"While I personally don't do drugs, I endorse legalizing marijuana atleast for medical reasons. That is actualy something that is one of the things that is a big political topic in Germany. Some people are allowed to get it but Germany is very very strict with it so you can count those people on, well not one hand but you get the point. Personally, I am for just legalizing it, feel free to throw big taxes on it like with alcohol and it would be fine I think. I am far, far from an expert but Weed doesn't seem to be much more dangerous than smoking or consuming (too much) alcohol, so from that view I don't see many problems. I doubt that the whole country would end up being, erm, stoned all the time and driving productivity to an all-time low like some want you to believe but who knows?

Has NG had an effect on you in real life? What would you life have been without NG?


I think so, yeah. First of all, my terrible english got better. You won't believe it but I actually got good grades in english in the last years in school. Aside from that, this is a place where I have people and creative content to cheer me up. The users that know me better know that I pretty much lost my whole family in the last years and it just feels good to have this site to find some peace from time to time.

Where do you stand on your political views?


I read the news everyday and I vote but I would never dare to say that I have any clue about politics. Everytime I look into the Politics forums I have no idea what's going on there. For the people in the US, I would vote for the Democrats, for the people from Europe, you can place me on the .... is it called left wing?

Are you currently in a relationship?


"Waifus count, right? Wait, they don't? Well the answer is no then."

Just wrting no seemed kinda not entertaining.


Through out your time here on NG do you feel as if there is a real sense of leadership in the MODS or the STAFF?


"I mean we all know that good old Tom is our goofy but handsome captain of the not sinking ship. For real though, I have only insight for the flash portal moderation and it is an actual team effort atleast from my point of view. Again, thanks to especially Jolly and Exedor. Also, the Elite Guard Barracks are a huge help for us."

I've seen your artwork could you tell my readers what inspired that art?

" I just played around with that 3D art program, with pretty much anything I do, not much thinking was involved in the process. The Chubby white seal is an actual plushie that I have and it looks close to its real counterpart."

You haven't submitted any games since 2012 will there be anymore?


"I don't think so, no."

If you could change anything about NG what would it be?


" Make it all blue. Aside from that, just give us more users. Though maybe we lose some charm of the site then. And, I actually would like the chat back, to be honest."


If you could say one thing to @TomFulp what would it be?


"Thanks for making this awesome site, never leaving it behind, creating awesome games with TheBehemoth and for allowing me to help my Elite Guard Barrack members by getting rid of abusive flashes."

What can we expect from you in the future?


"Well, the interviews have kinda stopped for some time now. I haven't really checked the forums lately, so I don't know if we have new awesome users. The-Great-One recently stopped doing interviews too and I would like to interview more artists in addition to forum users but I can't promise anything. I feel like I should actually start being an actual, active forum member to re-appreciate the forums again. Aside from that the portal mod thing is mostly happening behind the scenes and still going well."


    This has been an interview with Asandir and I hope I've answered that burning question "Who is Asandir"

if you have any more questions for him shoot a PM his way and don't forget to leave a comment

                         thanks for reading.


Posted by Maltos - June 1st, 2015

      Here Is My Interview With ZeroDown In This Interview I've Asked The Question Who Is ZeroDown And I Hope I've Answered That Question.



Let's start with when you joined 8/4/14, how did you find NG?

ZeroDown- I actually joined about a year before that on the account Pogobro, which I abandoned. I abandoned it so I could keep what I was doing back then separate from what I'm doing now, and because if I were to do some dark and serious project I doubt it would be taken seriously if the name 'Pogobro' was attached to it.


Your favorite thing about NG?

That's hard to say. I've been here for a while doing a lot of different things. I guess I quite enjoy the forums, they're a great place to chat with other users and I've met a lot of great people there, like @HomicidalDragon, who is a very close internet friend of mine to this day.


I see that you are a gamer and that you have a lot of xbox 360 games and only a few ps3 games so which system do you like better?

I guess I prefer my PS3, and I usually prefer Playstation out of all my consoles. The problem is I have a lot more Xbox games than PS3. The reason for that is I got my Xbox for Christmas when I was 10 as a gift for me and my older brother. I got my PS3 last year with the money I got from my job.


Where do you stand in your political views?

I'm not usually one to talk about politics. When I do, it's usually about major offices like the president. Since I turned 18 I haven't actually had a chance to vote. What I do care about is usually me supporting gay marriage.


If you were a forum MOD what kind of mod would you be?

Being a mod of any kind would be great. I guess I use the general forums more than anything, so that would be the best for me. I'd also have the advantage of more users posting in General than any of the other forums, more of my close friends posting there and a few other reasons.


Are you still with your girlfriend? If so could you tell us about her?

I've had a few girlfriends in the past, but I'm currently single. My last girlfriend moved away and we kinda just drifted apart. When the time came, she started dating another man, and she asked me how I felt about that. I just told her it was fine. Neither of us really wanted to break up, and I wouldn't blame it on either of us. I'd go on, but there are certain things I'd rather not share about our relationship, because I'm still a little sad about it.


I've seen your 3 art subs do you plan on making more?

That's hard to say. I made the others in paint on my laptop, which makes it hard to draw anything above sub-par level, so I know I'm done with that. I don't think I'm done with art entirely though. If I can afford a decent drawing tablet someday, I think I might. Drawing brings me back to my childhood, where I was inspired by the Anime like DBZ I would binge all day on.


What is your opinion on gay rights?

I'm actually bisexual, so I usually don't put myself in certain groups/social circles that don't support the LGBT community. I've never actually dated another man, I actually prefer women, but I do have a few 'man crushes'. I don't think there's still much to debate. I don't think that gays should be placed below anyone or given special treatment. Gays are people just like anyone else.


You hate mainstream things so could you tell us what about mainstream you dislike?

I enjoy some mainstream things like Final Fantasy and Eminem, but I have the obscure ones too. My main hatred are the ones that teens like, One Direction and stuff. I guess it's not that I hate mainstream stuff as much as I hate people that obsess over mainstream stuff that I don't particularly enjoy. If you're a fan of something I don't like, as long as you're not shoving it in my face, it's fine by me.


Have you ever done anything you are ashamed of?

Of course. That was a big reason why I stopped using my old account, because I made some crappy flash games I wasn't real proud of, and I removed them. I didn't feel as if those projects inspired me- I made them for the sake of making them instead of actually making them because I wanted to. I forced myself into a state of enjoyment for the sake of recognition, almost.


Please tell my readers what you think of the forums.

I love them. I recently hit 1,000 forum posts, and that alone should show my love for them. I love the general forums the best, I like using the help forums to help out new users who don't know what they're doing. I used to post in the video game forums a lot, but now it's just from time to time to reply to a topic. Like I said before, I'm not real big on politics, so I rarely ever post there.


Is there anyone on the forums you like or dislike?

Not particularly, other than spammers and such. I don't really hate anyone, but I value some people there over others. If someone does bother me I just block them and move on. I guess I just like everyone, just a few rotten apples that I don't like to associate with. I used to have issues with @Magical-Zorse, but I've come to realize he's not that bad.


Tell my readers what it is that really drives you to be who you are.

Seeing other projects really inspires me. I'm currently working on a few soon to be released projects, which my inspiration from other users guided me to. @LazyMuffin and @Brewster both inspire me. Their work always enamors me when I see it, and a lot of other work I stumble upon gives me the inspiration I need.


Do you have any secrets you would like to tell?

I'm sure if I had any secret worth telling, I'd tell it on my own page. I would never tell a secret that belongs to them, if I was told not to tell anyone, and if I do have a secret I'm hiding from people on this site, it doesn't immediately jump to mind. I'm not really much of a secret loving person, I guess.


Has NG or its community had any effect on you since you've been here?

Sure. @Jonbro (now known as Jonochrome) inspired me to join NG in the first place. Since he did that, I've branched out from constantly talking to or about him, so NG has changed me quite a bit. (Out of characters)


What is your opinion about the forum mods?

Most of them are fine. @NekoMika was my favorite mod. She isn't modding anymore, and she only comes on once a day or so. I like @BrenTheMan too, he manages the NG servers. Other than that I don't really know any of them, so I can't really say much about them.


What's the one thing you would like to say to @TomFulp?

That depends. I've already chatted with Tom here on the site, and once at Comic-con in 2014 I met him. But if I could meet him in a private setting and I could only say one thing to him, I guess I would thank him for making Newgrounds, it's really changed me since I joined over two years ago.



This Has Been An Interview With ZeroDown I Hope We Have Answered That Question And If You Have More Questions For ZeroDown Then Feel Free To Send A PM.