I'm a writer among other things but mostly I'm here for the community. There isnt much to tell about me so ill see you on the forums if you need anything else PM me.

Age 36, Female

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New York

Joined on 8/20/12

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Interview With The Great One

Posted by Maltos - March 7th, 2014

This is an interview with The Great One. Here you will learn a bit about the pereson behind the user. After this interview I saw The Great One in a way I hadn't before, sure we know he's a nice guy as well as an acomplished interviewer. The Great One is a gifted writer that Newgrounds is lucky to have. This interview trys to ask the question (Who is The-Great-One?) of course, you can still make your own opinion about The Great One.


Maltos- So Great One lets get right down to it, You are the interviewer but I've seen that you will be no longer be actively interviewing could you tell us what other projects you plan on working on? As well as if the interviewer will return?



The Interviewer will be ending at the 200th interview. When I say it will be coming to an end I mean in terms of weekly updates it will be coming to an end. However there will still be special cases when a new interview will appear. The Interviewer won't be going away it will just be slowing down more.

I am currently doing special interviews on another account called Dohn which is named after me. These interviews include talking to basic members of Newgrounds and not really about their creative works here on Newgrounds. They're a bit more in-depth than The Interviewer is. I am also hoping to share my creative writing here on Newgrounds and in the Writing Forum. However The Interviewer has taken a lot of my time from that. My only break is just writing on the forums.


Maltos- We'll all be sad to see the interviewer end but will look forward to Dohn and I wish you luck with your writing. This next question is of human nature, what is your opinion on homosexuality and that of those who say it is a choice?


The-Great-One- My opinion is that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, it is natural. We have observed animals with homosexual tendencies. We know that it is natural and not a choice. Even if it was a choice, there is nothing wrong with another person's sexual preference. Plain and simple.


Maltos- I believe that to be true, Just one more of those heavy questions. I'd like to ask you about the death penalty, do you think it's right or moral for our government to take the life of even the worst of inmates?



I don't mind heavy questions at all, I think it's important we ask them more often. As for the death penalty I will say that I once supported it. What goes around comes around. However as I have gotten older I realized that our tax dollars are put forth towards punishments that we should have abolished. Lethal injection is not as peaceful as it sounds and my home state of South Carolina has performed many lethal injections incorrectly. We have also been putting innocent people on death row. It would be better if we don't have death row and simply have prison.

My uncle was in prison and it does change you. People who go to prison do not come out the same as they went in. It changes them. I don't believe it is ever right to kill another human being unless in self-defense.


Maltos- I think we can all agree on that. I'd like to move on to your personal life, Have you ever been in love?


The-Great-One- I was infatuated at one point, but it wasn't love. I had a girlfriend in high school, we went to different high schools. We weren't really clicking and my bisexuality was making wonder what I wanted and keeping that bottled up for so long was damaging to my psyche to say the least. I had a crush on my best friend for quite a long time and I thought he might be gay or bisexual as well, turns out he's straight, which is all cool. I have never been in love though. To be in love means to love someone more than yourself and I haven't had that feeling.


Maltos- I respect you for being true to yourself and I hope you find that person who loves you more then they love themselves. When you were young and you thought about what your life would be like, my question is are you happy and what do you want out of life?


The-Great-One- Am I happy? Not entirely. Could I have done different things to make my life better? Absolutely. The only thing I have to hold onto is my writing. Like all writers I want the world to read my written word. To validate it, to criticize it, to enjoy it, and even to hate it. All this makes me stronger. What I want out of life though. I love writing and I love video games. If I could find a way to meld these two together and support myself on this form of writing then I could be happy for a little while. As of right now though, I'm not happy. Thankfully though, there is Newgrounds.


Maltos- I'm sorry to hear that but you are indeed a talented writer through that I believe the world will read your words. One last personal question and this one is on a different note. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?


The-Great-One- I have quite a few actually. Guilty pleasure movie The Secret of N.I.M.H 2: Timmy to the Rescue. Guilty pleasure game Superman 64. Guilty pleasures in real life, would be rolling around in my friend's beds like a cat when they're not around to see, then I make the bed perfectly like I was never even there.


Maltos- That's funny, lets hope they don't walk in some day. Lets move on to NG, are there any users you like or dislike?



There are plenty of users I like. SCTE3 and ZJ are my best friends on this site. MaestroRage gave me a good bit of advice when I joined as well as helped me out. ZekeySpaceyLizard kicked my ass and put my teenager self in place and I thank both of them for it. Tom is also and amazing individual. Asandir, Bosa, and tigerkitty have both been incredibly kind to me and I hate that I don't talk to them more often. Dean and Benjamin Tibbetts are also close friends who I talk to a lot. Amaranthus and Ragnarokia are also two others I like.

As for users I dislike. I tend to dislike them, but they soon disappear off of Newgrounds. Insanctuary and Sekhem are two users who tend to baffle me though. I'm not sure what they're playing it or what they're even trying to say half the time.


Maltos- I'm sure those users will enjoy reading your opinion of them. ( lol ) I've got a few more questions for you. Does it feel strange to be the who's being interviewed seeing as you are usually the interviewer instead of the interviewee.


The-Geat-One- By all means ask as many questions as you wish and whatever questions you wish to ask. Yeah it still feels weird to be interviewed. I've been interviewed three different times already and it still feels weird. Different styles with each interviewer and different questions.


Maltos- Well I guess everyone has different points to make. If there were a writing portal on NG what would we see from you?


The-Great-One- Tom and I have been talking about the writing portal for a good while now. We've even talked about moving all the interviews over to it and simply changing the dates to match when they were originally posted, even though it would be before the writing portal's inception. I guess with a writing portal in place I would have more protection over my creative works in terms of copyright. As of right now though I want more attention brought to the writing forum. The new blog system offers wonderful possibilities for the writers here on Newgrounds, but sadly we still get the shaft. Nothing new there.


Maltos- That sounds like a great set up for a writing portal. Is there a novel or short story you are currently working on?


The-Great-One- I've been working on a book to tell the world why Chrono Trigger is one of the best games of all time and the best RPG of all time. I've also been working on a philosophical book. As for novel, I have ideas and I start writing and then it just starts to become long-winded so I scrap it and start again. I have finished one novella and even then I'm still not happy with it.


Maltos- This is will be the final question. What is the one thing in your life that has impacted you the most and turned you into the person you are today?


The-Great-One- I guess it would have to be Newgrounds. It changed me as a person. It made a better human being. It gave me all these wonderful animators, musicians, artists, game designers, writers, and people. It gave me the chance to do The Interviewer and to meet and talk to all these wonderful creative minds and share their stories with the world. I have gotten to meet people from Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, and different parts of the United States as well. It truly has made me who I am today.


Maltos- Thank you Great One, we will look forward to you and your talents on ng for a long time to come


The-Great-One- Thank you. I would like to say at least one thing to the animators and game designers if Newgrounds if I may. That is start acting like producers. We have so many talented artists, voice actors, musicians, and writers here on Newgrounds. You don't have to do your project alone and there are others here who can truly make your vision shine if you give them a chance.


This has been an interview with The-Great-One. I hope you now know The-Great-One a bit more then before and if there is anything you wish to know about The-Great-One feel free to PM him.


This is really good. Enjoying your interviews, they get better each time :)

Thank you very much ;)

What a surprise seeing The Great One as an interviewee for a change! :D Great interview.

Pretty cool hearing the literature portal is a bit more than a myth too, something I'm really looking forward to.

thank you cyberdevil, I too am looking forward to the lit portal


You're an extremely talented interviewer.
I really enjoyed reading this. :3

Thank you very much
I aim to please

You have succeeded my friend. And I like your Santa Goku.